Welcome! We appreciate your interest in exploring what we have to offer.
If you have questions, we have some answers…
What should I expect when I arrive? Black top parking is available on both sides of the church. There are two entrances at the front of the church. One is handicapped accessible with an elevator that will take you to the 2nd floor sanctuary, and the other has two steps where most Sunday’s you will be greeted by one of our members and has two sets of steps leading to the sanctuary. The greeter can answer any questions you have. Bulletins are available at both entrances. You may sit anywhere in the sanctuary that you are comfortable. We also have a balcony with more seating. There are modern bathrooms by each entrance; the handicapped entrance has a child friendly bathroom.
Are you handicapped accessible? Yes! We have an elevator and bathroom accessibility, as well as handicapped parking on both sides of the church.
What is the dress code? Most people wear casual and semi-dressy.
Do you require masks? Masks are optional but recommended for people not vaccinated per the CDC.
Do you have listening devices to hear the service better? Yes we do.
When is Holy Communion offered? We offer Holy Communion during worship on the 1st Sunday of each month, as well as special services such as Maundy Thursday, Easter and Christmas. On occasion, we offer in-pew communion, but usually an usher will dismiss you from your pew to walk to the front for a continual flow of bread or gluten free wafers and wine or grape juice. Or you can tell the usher that you wish to receive Holy Communion in the pew and the pastor will come to you to receive the elements.
Do you have a nursery? We do not have a nursery during worship. We love that the children are present with us during worship. We especially love for them to participate during the Children’s messages on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. After worship, our Sunday School offers a nursery class along with classes for all ages.
What happens after the service is over? Our church family is very social. Most people go downstairs into our social room (located by the entrances), grab some goodies (cookies, baked goods, snacks), coffee, tea, lemonade, and enjoy conversation with each other. Our Sunday School program starts at 10:30 which still gives enough time for the kids to grab a snack before class begins.
What denomination are you? We are affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and reside in the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod.
Want to learn more about the Northeast Pennsylvania Synod? Click HERE
to learn about Bishop Christopher deForest, his staff and learn more about the NEPA Synod.
How do I join the membership of this church family? See the pastor. We look forward to your involvement in the life of our church.
Who do I contact if I still have questions? You can call the church office at 610-298-2437, reach out to our pastor at pastoratwlc@gmail.com or our secretary at secretary.wlc@gmail.com.